Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Are your teeth stained or have they turned yellow? You need to do teeth whitening from dentists. This may occur as a result of drinking wine, coffee, or tea, smoking cigarettes, the aging process, or the many different foods that we consume over a lifetime.

Discolored teeth can greatly affect your appearance, adding years to your age, and causing undue social anxiety and poor self-image. Despite proper oral hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing, staining is still possible. Teeth whitening is the best way to regain your beautiful smile.

The total time for one session is typically 15 minutes or less, and the procedure can be repeated for ideal results. The teeth whitening procedure is painless and does not typically cause any anxiety for patients who might otherwise feel nervous going to the dentist.

The entire office visit usually lasts about 1 hour or less, making it easy to fit into your schedule, with beautiful results that are immediately visible.


If you are considering undergoing anti-aging dentistry or other cosmetic dental enhancements, it is wise to get teeth whitening first. The crowns, veneers, or dental implants can then be matched to your new, improved tooth color for an impressive, youthful smile that turns heads!

You are probably aware of many of the various methods of at-home teeth whitening – and may have tried a few. Even though you may be tempted to try it yourself, you should always leave teeth whitening to the professionals.

Some do-it-yourself whitening kits are known to cause tooth sensitivity and can even damage tooth enamel, making it thin and brittle. Our safe and effective whitening procedure can whiten your teeth without the risk of damaging your teeth or gums.

Our team has years of experience and professional-grade products that produce beautiful, brilliant results. Careful application of an even layer of whitening gel will produce the most consistent and beautiful outcome.

The results achieved with teeth whitening often depend on the level of staining and discoloration. In most cases, you can expect to gain at least 2-3 shades of whiter teeth when you undergo treatment at our clinic.

In some cases, we can offer you close to 5 or 6 shades lighter teeth, but it depends on the type of problem. If you are looking for a whiter smile, then look no further. We have treated hundreds of patients and helped them regain their confident smiles.

Whiter and brighter teeth can increase confidence levels
It is the quickest way to achieve a more youthful look
The procedure is fast and convenient
It is long-lasting and can reduce teeth sensitivity
Up to six times more effective than over-the-counter treatments.

An Examination of Tooth Enamel
Most of us start out with sparkling white teeth, thanks to their porcelain-like enamel surface. Composed of microscopic crystalline rods, tooth enamel is designed to protect the teeth from the effects of chewing, gnashing, trauma, and acid attacks caused by sugar.

But over the years enamel is worn down, becoming more transparent and permitting the yellow color of dentin — the tooth’s core material — to show through.

During routine chewing, dentin remains intact while millions of micro-cracks occur in the enamel. It is these cracks, as well as the spaces between the crystalline enamel rods, that gradually fill up with stains and debris. As a result, the teeth eventually develop a dull, lackluster appearance.

Teeth whitening removes the stains and debris, leaving the enamel cracks open and exposed. Some of the cracks are quickly re-mineralized by saliva, while others are filled up again with organic debris.
Tooth Discoloration: Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Staining.

There are two categories of staining as it relates to the teeth: extrinsic and intrinsic.
Extrinsic stains are those that appear on the surface of the teeth as a result of exposure to dark-colored beverages, foods, and tobacco, and routine wear and tear.

Superficial extrinsic stains are minor and can be removed with brushing and prophylactic dental cleaning. Stubborn extrinsic stains can be removed with more involved efforts, like teeth whitening. Persistent extrinsic stains can penetrate into the dentin and become ingrained if they are not dealt with early.

Intrinsic stains are those that form on the interior of teeth. Intrinsic stains result from trauma, aging, exposure to minerals (like tetracycline) during tooth formation, and/or excessive ingestion of fluoride. In the past, it was thought that intrinsic stains were too resistant to be corrected by bleaching.

Today, cosmetic dentistry experts believe that even deep-set intrinsic stains can be removed with supervised take-home teeth whitening that is maintained over a matter of months or even a year. If all else fails, there are alternative cosmetic solutions to treat intrinsic staining, such as dental veneers.